Weather forecast · Selva Val Gardena Wolkenstein · South Tyrol · Arya Alpine Lodge
Weather in South Tyrol
min: -10°/-3°
max: 0°/8°
min: -10°/-3°
max: 1°/9°
min: -10°/-3°
max: 2°/9°
min: -8°/-2°
max: 2°/9°

Weather conditions in South Tyrol today 15.01.2025

Weather conditions in South Tyrol todayWeather conditions:
A weak disturbance will reach the Alps, but the effects remain minor.

Some clouds will move through from the north and it will snow lightly at times on the alpine crest. It will remain mostly sunny in the south.High temperatures between 2° and 9°. In the north wind.

Mountain weather in South Tyrol today 15.01.2025
Mountain weather in South Tyrol today
Wind in 3000m
1 - light breeze: 5-15 km/h
2 - moderate breeze: 16-30 km/h
3 - high wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - gale / storm: > 60 km/h

Mountain weather conditions today:
A weak disturbance will reach the Alps, but the effects remain minor.

Mountain weather today:
Clouds will predominate on the mountains on the alpine crest in the morning and it will snow lightly at times. In the afternoon, the clouds will clear somewhat. In the southern mountain, the day will be mostly sunny. A strong north wind will blow.

Weather evolution:

Weather forecast generated: 15.01.2025, 07:30

Previsioni del tempo messe a disposizione da:
© Ufficio Idrografico della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano