Weather forecast · Selva Val Gardena Wolkenstein · South Tyrol · Arya Alpine Lodge
Weather in South Tyrol
min: -11°/0°
max: 1°/7°
min: -9°/0°
max: 1°/6°
min: -6°/1°
max: 2°/8°
min: -6°/1°
max: -1°/8°

Weather conditions in South Tyrol today 30.12.2024

Weather conditions in South Tyrol todayWeather conditions:
The weather situation will not change; Central Europe will continue to be under the influence of a strong high pressure system.

The sun will shine all day and the sky will be cloudless.Temperatures will rise to 2° to 9°.

Weather conditions in South Tyrol tomorrow 31.12.2024:

Weather conditions in South Tyrol tomorrowA high pressure system will persist over the Alps.

The weather tomorrow 31.12.2024:
Very sunny weather in the whole region. Even during New Year's Eve the sky will be clear.Temperatures basically stationary with highs between 1° and 8°.

Mountain weather in South Tyrol today 30.12.2024
Mountain weather in South Tyrol today
Wind in 3000m
1 - light breeze: 5-15 km/h
2 - moderate breeze: 16-30 km/h
3 - high wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - gale / storm: > 60 km/h

Mountain weather conditions today:
The weather situation will not change; Central Europe will continue to be under the influence of a strong high pressure system.

Mountain weather today:
Conditions on the mountains will remain perfect with cloudless sky and light winds. It will remain very mild.

Mountain weather in South Tyrol tomorrow 31.12.2024
Mountain weather in South Tyrol tomorrow
Wind in 3000m
1 - light breeze: 5-15 km/h
2 - moderate breeze: 16-30 km/h
3 - high wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - gale / storm: > 60 km/h

Weather conditions tomorrow:
A high pressure system will persist over the Alps.

The mountain weather tomorrow:
The mountain weather will remain clear with excellent visibility. Temperatures will drop slightly.

Weather evolution:

Weather forecast generated: 30.12.2024, 11:00

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© Ufficio Idrografico della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano